May is Sexual Harassment Month

Sexual harassment is a form of employment discrimination and continues to be a serious problem facing workers. In the #MeToo era, public awareness about sexual harassment has increased, yet sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace still goes unchecked too often. The legal team at Strong Advocates has declared May Sexual Harassment Awareness Month […]
Employment Attorney Explains Reporting Sexual Harassment at Work

California law protects employees in case of a sexual harassment report. It is illegal to terminate employment due to an employee reporting sexual harassment. Employers are legally obligated to listen to your complaints, investigate without bias and to take every necessary action to make the harassment end. If you are a victim of sexual harassment […]
Employment Attorney Explains Next Steps for Sexual Harassment at Work

If you are a victim of sexual harassment at work, it is important to take the necessary steps to end your discomfort in case the harassment continues or worsens. The first step is to confront your perpetrator as long as you feel safe and comfortable to do so. Let them know that the harassment is […]
Employment Lawyer Explains Sexual Harassment at Work

Sexual harassment at work can occur in a variety of scenarios, from sexual innuendos to stalking. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at work, please do not feel ashamed to come forward for help. It is important to understand your rights and to know what is considered to be unlawful in the workplace. […]